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Everything you need to teach STEAM effectivly using the Piper Computer Kit.

Educator Guides StoryMode Project Guides PiperCode Project Guides

Teach fundamental STEM skills while providing a bridge to career connected learning.

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As shown below, there are 21 core lessons surrounding the Piper Computer Kit learning experience. The duration of each lesson depends on the grade and developmental level. Each lesson has been designed to accomplish the learning goals in a class period between 45-75 minutes.

The Piper curriculum can be reduced to as little as 10-12 days or extended to up to 40 or more days with open-ended project based design challenges in Phase 4 and 5. If short on time, educators can choose to skip Phase 4 and shorten Phase 5 if necessary.

PHASE 1: Build a Computer
Phase Duration: 4-6 days
1.1 What is a Computer?
- Piper Blueprint
Engage prior knowledge of computing systems. Understand the purpose of computer components. Define a blueprint and practice reading exploded diagrams.
1.2 Build a Computer: Executing a Plan
- Piper Blueprint
- Piper Computer Kit
Decompose challenges, build teamwork and collaborative problem-solving skills. Explore physical connections of computer components.
1.3 Build a Computer: Practicing Flexibility
- Piper Blueprint
- Piper Computer Kit
Continue building teamwork and collaborative problem-solving skills. Explore physical connections of computer components.
1.4 Build a Computer: Completing a System
- Piper Blueprint
- Piper Computer Kit
Continue exploring physical connections of computer components. Construct a model of a working computer system. Practice troubleshooting and perseverance skills.
PHASE 2: Discover Circuitry and Electronics
Phase Duration: 4-6 days
2.1 Open vs. Closed Circuits: Buttons & Breadboards
- StoryMode: Mars and Cheeseteroid Levels
- Piper Electrical Components
Practice breadboarding and wiring up circuits. Learn concepts of current and power in circuits. Differentiate between open and closed circuits. Demonstrate knowledge of how buttons can be used to complete circuits.
2.2 Basic Inputs & Outputs
- StoryMode: Treasure Hunt and Chain Reaction Levels
- Piper Electrical Components
Learn about binary states. Apply concepts of current and energy transfer. Compare multiple solutions to a challenge or problem.
2.3 Polarity & Audio Output
- StoryMode: Power Plant and Rainbow Bridge Levels
- Piper Electrical Components
Explore the use of switches in electrical devices. Understand the concept of polarity and its application with electrical components. Practice wiring up buzzers and LED's.
2.4 Parallel Circuits
- StoryMode: Funky Fungi and Return to Cheeseteroid Levels
- Piper Electrical Components
Learn how to use parallel circuits to simplify current pathways. Explore memory states and practice troubleshooting.
PHASE 3: Learn to Code with PiperCode
Phase Duration: 4-9 days
3.1 Intro to Computational Thinking
- PiperCode: Blink Project
- Piper Electrical Components
Create algorithms with visual programming. Solve coding challenges in a project-based learning environment. Develop with the use of abstractions. Wire up a device using fritz diagrams.
3.2 Loops & Sequences
- PiperCode: Stoplight Project
- Piper Electrical Components
Program loops and sequences through algorithm design. Simulate a device from everyday life by wiring and coding the device. Wire up a device using fritz diagrams.
3.3 Events
- PiperCode: Lightshow Project
- Piper Electrical Components
Program events with LED's and buttons. Create a lightshow. Practice testing & debugging code. Wire up a device using fritz diagrams.
3.4 Programming with Lights & Sounds
- PiperCode: Frog Frenzy Project
- Piper Electrical Components
Practice using loops, sequences and events in physical computer. Build a simple timing game with a randomized button controller with 4 different colored LED lights and a buzzer. Wire up a device using fritz diagrams.
Completing Additional Pipercode Projects
- PiperCode: Tally, Siren, Circuit Design, Debug, Randomizer, Beat the Buzzer, El Pangolin Projects
- Piper Electrical Components
Program with variables, conditionals, events, functions, random numbers, comparisons, data, lists, algorithms. Control inputs and outputs, debug and remix code. Wire up devices using fritz diagrams.
PHASE 4: Extend with Design Thinking
Phase Duration: 4-10 days
4.1 Extend in Storymode
- StoryMode Creative Mode
- Minigame Moons
Extend understanding of circuitry and electronical components. Play StoryMode MiniGames and Creative Mode. Think creatively with circuits. Build power-ups in the game and build Raspberry Pi Edition of Minecraft worlds.
4.2 Design a Bot & Make Music
- StoryMode Extras: Bot Builder and PipHop
Explore Design Thinking principles by designing an in-game bot in the Bot Builder MiniGame. Create music with computational thinking in PipHop MiniGame. Learn about the engineering for design cycle. Apply design thinking principles to goals.
4.3 Redesign a Stoplight
- PiperCode: My Projects
Elaborate on their first stages of learning in engineering, computer literacy, design, coding, and programming. Design and create solutions to a real-world challenge and explore making. Apply coding and circuitry principles for Phase 2 and 3.
4.4 Engineering Design with Piper
- PiperCode: My Projects
The goal of this lesson is to empower students to begin elaborating on their first stages of learning in engineering, computer literacy, design, coding, and programming. Students are challenged to design and create their own solution to a real-world challenge and explore making.
PHASE 5: Deconstruct and Reflect
Phase Duration: 4-6 days
5.1 Take Apart and Reflection
- Piper Blueprint
- Piper Computer Kit
Collaborate to deconstruct the Piper Computer Kit. Take inventory. Reflect on experiences learning with Piper in phases 1-4.
5.2 Computers in Everyday Life
Explore the role computers play in everyday life. Define computers and computer systems. Learn what we can do with computers based on the experiences with the Piper Computer.
5.3 The Environmental Impact of Computers
Reflect on and define the parts of a computing system. Identify the life cycle of a computer. Investigate the impact computers have on the environment.
5.4 Final Design Challenge
- Piper Blueprint
- Piper Computer Kit
Apply Engineering Design process from Phase 4 to redesign the Piper Computer Kit based on user-experience, environmental impact, and design principles. Draw a blueprint for a design.