Students will review and understand the computational concepts of:
Loops: Running the same sequence multiple times.
Sequence: Identifying a series of steps for a specific task.
Students will demonstrate core computational thinking concepts, including algorithm design, by creating an ordered series of instructions for solving similar problems or doing a task, such as turning a light off and on in the correct order.
Students will create programs that include events, loops, and conditionals.
Students will practice organizing problems into smaller, manageable tasks.
Students will test and debug a program or algorithm to ensure it accomplishes the intended task.
Students will perform different roles when collaborating with peers during the program development's design, implementation, and review stages.
Learning Activities
The following sections will contain step by step instructions for ELA, ELD and Math extensions directly related to this mission. Adjust the directions to fit your ELA, ELD and Math standards.
ELA Extension: Write a Story
Ask students to write a narrative story from the point of view of the plant.
Have students explain how water helps a plant grow.
Ask them to explain how the sensor saved the plant's life.
Tell students to get creative and have fun with their characters!
Math Extension:
Ask students to use the reading in the Console to determine the average.
For older students, have them calculate the average.
Ask younger students to choose the number that looks closest to the average.
CA 3-5.CS.2 Demonstrate how computer hardware and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks.
CA 4-ESS3 Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and that their uses affect the environment (5.ESS3.C; MS.PS3.D; MS.ESS2.A; MS.ESS3.A; MS.ESS3.C; MS.ESS3.D