Learn to build a circuit that will sense the presence of your hand and make music.
You’ve never quite seen an instrument like this! Jam out with an air guitar that uses the same pieces as your soil sensor. Ask students: “What is your code measuring to know when and what sound to play? How is this different from your Ultrasonic Drum?”
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Troubleshooting Tips
What if my Bar Graph LED is not lighting up, and I’ve checked the code and wiring connections?
Ensure the resistor ‘legs’ are not touching the Bar Graph LED, which could short-circuit your LED. If you need to test for a short-circuit of your Bar Graph LED, head to creative mode, then create and run this program:
Refresh your browser page.
Restart your computer.
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Term Glossary
Fossil Fuels Sources of energy made from prehistoric plants and animals (coal, oil, natural gas). (CE)
Renewable Energy Energy sources from natural resources that can be more easily replenished (solar, water, nuclear). (CE)
Capacitance An object's ability to hold an electric charge.
Pollution Anything that dirties the Earth, such as litter, smoke from cars and factories, or water contamination. (CE)
CA 3-5.CS.2 Demonstrate how computer hardware and software work together as a system to accomplish tasks.
CA 4-ESS3 Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and that their uses affect the environment (5.ESS3.C; MS.PS3.D; MS.ESS2.A; MS.ESS3.A; MS.ESS3.C; MS.ESS3.D