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Everything you need to teach STEAM effectivly using the Piper Computer Kit.

Educator Guides StoryMode Project Guides PiperCode Project Guides

Teach fundamental STEM skills while providing a bridge to career connected learning.

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  1. What is a Computer?
  2. Executing a Plan
  3. Practicing Flexibility
  4. Completing a System

  1. Buttons & Breadboards
  2. Basic Inputs & Outputs
  3. Polarity & Audio Output
  4. Parallel Circuits

  1. Intro to Computational Thinking
  2. Loops & Sequences
  3. Events
  4. Programming with Lights & Sounds
  5. Completing Additional PiperCode Projects

  1. Extend in Storymode
  2. Design a Bot & Make Music
  3. Redesign a Stoplight
  4. Engineering Design with Piper

  1. Take Apart and Reflection
  2. Computers in Everyday Life
  3. The Environmental Impact of Computers
  4. Final Design Challenge

  1. What is Color?
  2. How Do We See Color?
  3. How Does the Color Sensor Detect Color?
  4. RGB in Computing

  1. The Water Cycle
  2. What is Temperature?
  3. What Are the States of Matter?
  4. Phase Changes

  1. Motion Introduction
  2. How Do Waves Help Us Understand Patterns?
  3. Creating Devices That Use Data
  4. Graphing Motion

  1. What is Energy?
  2. The Energy Behind Reduce, Reuse, Recycle




Phase 1

Lesson 1.1

Phase 1: Lesson 1.1

What is a Computer?

45 - 75 mins

Grades 3 - 8

This lesson will engage students’ prior knowledge about computing systems. They will explore the engineering blueprint and learn how to read exploded diagrams in order to accomplish building the computer in subsequent lessons. Using this real engineering skill, students will then plan and prepare to build their Piper Computer.

Following completion of this lesson, check for understanding with Assessment 1.1. You may also use this assessment to gauge prior knowledge beforehand.

Note: If you are short on time, you can customize this lesson and take out parts that are not necessary for students to begin building. We highly recommend, however, that students see the blueprint and are provided some time to plan ahead, at the very least, before diving into building.

Lesson Materials

Piper Computer Kit
Piper Computer Kit Blueprint
Download Blueprint

Learning Objectives

This lesson will provide context for why students are learning about computers. It will begin by engaging their prior knowledge about computing systems, then students will explore the engineering blueprint and learn how to read exploded diagrams in order to accomplish building the computer in subsequent lessons. Using this real engineering skill, students will then plan and prepare to build their Piper Computer.
Students will:
  1. Engage prior knowledge in computing systems
  2. Understand that every component of a computer interface has a purpose
  3. Define a blueprint and practice how to read exploded diagrams visuals as a set of instructions

Lesson Preperation

  • Review all lesson resources.
  • Put students in groups, recommended 2:1 but 3:1 can be successful as well.
    Example Teamwork Chart
  • Have students find a place to spread out the Piper blueprint and additional sketching materials.
  • Provide drawing paper (or other surfaces such as dry erase tables, posters and panels) and sticky notes, colored pencils or markers for each group.
  • Pull out blueprints and batteries from boxes and prepare to distribute them to teams. Batteries will need to be charged before Phase 2.
  • Have your students complete the Pre Self-Assessment shared with you following Piper professional development. If you did not receive copies of this survey, email us at:
  • Prepare to show a hi-res version of the blueprint on a projector or monitor.



Introduction (5 - 15 Minutes) Start the lesson with this question on the board/projector: “What purpose does technology play in our lives?”

Show students the Ted Talk on the invention of the washing machine. Ask: “How did the invention of this technology change the speaker’s life? What technology has had this kind of impact on your life? What technology do you use the most at school?”

The goal is to get students considering the importance of computers in their lives.

Guiding questions that can be displayed or handed out:
  • How do computers improve our lives (make our lives easier or safer)?
  • How do you think the world has changed since computers were invented?
  • Have you heard your parents or grandparents talk about what it was like before they had these devices?
  • Computers now touch every aspect of our lives. What advantages have computers given us?
Engaging Prior Knowledge Ask students: “What components make up a computer? Draw what you think is inside of a computer.” See samples pictures below. Pre is a picture created before they complete the Piper program, Post is a picture created after the Piper experience.

After students draw, tell them to Think, Pair & Share. Think-Pair-Share (TPS) is a versatile cooperative learning activity suitable for any subject and class size. Instructors pose a question, students first THINK independently, then discuss their responses with a nearby peer (PAIR).

Introduce the Piper experience to the students: “When an engineer wants to know how something works, they tend to start inside. You will begin by building a working computer to learn what is inside and how it works. Then, we will learn to code through games and projects on that computer.”

“You’ll be building the computer from parts in a box, including constructing the case, connecting the components, and working as a team to be an engineer and solve problems that you encounter. We were given one very important tool in the box (hold up example): this engineering blueprint. How will you use the blueprint to learn how a computer works?”


Main Activity (80% of class time) Students should study the blueprint in order to:
  • Read exploded diagrams
  • Recognize labels on the blueprint
  • Name the computer components
  • Make the correct connections
  • Organize of parts before building
  • Use a screwdriver and fastening hardware
Display the blueprint with a projector for when students have questions and direct students to look at their own blueprint:
  • How do we read the diagrams on the blueprint?
  • What is our plan for building the computer as a group using this blueprint?
Discussion Questions You can display these guiding questions on the board/projector.
  • Looking at the blueprint, how do you know the order of steps to build the computer? (Point out the numbers on the blueprint). Why do we follow a sequence? What might happen if we go out of order?
  • What clues are you seeing on this blueprint? What is in the center section?
  • What does this word inventory mean? (point to word - it is a list of parts) What is it telling us? How do we know how many parts we have of each? (point to number in bottom right of box)
  • Are there different sizes of screws? What are the sizes? What is the ratio of the small to the large one? How do you know when to use which one? Do they have a special label?
  • What tool do you use to put in a screw?


Lesson Debrief (Time: 10-15 minutes)

Use Lesson 1.1 Slides to debrief with the teams.

This will help guide students as they complete the first column of their graphic organizer.

Students will be answering the following questions on their graphic organizers:
  • “Looking at the blueprint, how do you know the order of steps to build the computer?”
  • “List the parts used in the blueprint.”
  • “List some differences and similarities between parts.”


Class Discussion (Time: 5-10 minutes) Teacher-led Discussion:
  • Role Assignment - Explain that as part of teams there are roles they will each play. Potential role assignment suggestions: Blueprint Architect reads blueprint and helps interpret what it means, Parts Manager tracks and distributes inventory, Engineer builds the unit. (If you have more than 3 team members, create other roles).
  • Emphasize that each student in a team should have a chance to play each role every day. Set norms, roles and responsibilities of setup, organization, safety, and cleanup.
If students are in teams of 2 or 3, then you might have one student be responsible for taking notes as they build while the other student is responsible for ensuring no parts go missing. If 3 students, then 1 might be in charge of directing the group and keeping them focused.


Closing Activity (15-20% of class time)

Students share their roles and responsibilities for each member of their team. (Middle column of visual organizer.)

At the end of this lesson, have student take the Assessment.


Career Connections

Project Manager: Salary $104,920/yr
Construction Manager: Salary $101,480/yr
Architect: Salary $93,310/yr
Computer Hardware Engineer: Salary $132,360/yr

Graphic Organizer


Term Glossary

Blueprint A detailed plan or a map for building something.

Inventory A list of all the things you have in one place.

Mouse A small device that you move with your hand to control the arrow or pointer on a computer screen.

View Full Glossary

Standards Alignment

Beginning with phase 1, all phases will align with standards that apply to all the lessons in the phase. For this phase the CA 2019 K-12 Computer Science Content Standards, 2017 Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) K-12 Computer Science Standards ( and K–12 Computer Science Framework ( informed the development and alignment of the lessons that follow. Use them with daily or weekly agendas and planning. Phase 1 is where the learners first build a Piper kit.

We are excited to be aligned with the following standards.

Concepts Standards

Computing Systems: Devices, Troubleshooting

3-5.CS.1 Describe how computing devices connect to other components to form a system. (P7.2)

3-5.CS.3 Determine potential solutions to solve simple hardware and software problems using common troubleshooting strategies. (P6.2)

6-8.CS.2 Design a project that combines hardware and software components to collect and exchange data. (P5.1)


6-8.CS.3 Systematically apply troubleshooting strategies to identify and resolve hardware and software problems in computing systems. (P6.2)

Algorithms & Programming

3-5.AP.13 Decompose problems into smaller, manageable tasks which may themselves be decomposed. (P3.2)

3-5.AP.18 Perform different roles when collaborating with peers during the design, implementation, and review stages of program development (ie. following the Piper Blueprint)

6-8.AP.13 Decompose problems and subproblems into parts to facilitate the design, implementation, and review of programs. (P3.2)

6-8.AP.18 Distribute tasks and maintain a project timeline when collaboratively developing computational artifacts. (P2.2, P5.1)

Impacts of Computing

CA CS 3-5.IC.20 Discuss computing technologies that have changed the world, and express how those technologies influence, and are influenced by, cultural practices.

6-8.IC.21 Discuss issues of bias and accessibility in the design of existing technologies. (P1.2)


P1. Fostering an Inclusive Computing Culture

P2. Collaborating Around Computing

P4. Developing and Using Abstractions

P5. Creating Computational Artifacts

P6. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts

Concept Standard

Generate and compare multiple solutions that use patterns to transfer information.


Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem (Performance Expectation).


Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved. (P.E.3.4.7)


Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.