Build and code a game that will test your reflexes.
Can you beat the Wheldon Brothers? Or better yet, can you beat a fellow student? In this mission, students will build and code an LED to light up at a random time and then determine who can press their button the fastest.
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Troubleshooting Tips
Is the button press not registering?
Look at the Digital View when you press the button while the code runs. If you see no change, push the button into the breadboard forcefully (but carefully) to make sure the leads connect with the rails on the breadboard.
Look at the Digital View when you press the button while the code runs. If you see no change, push the button into the breadboard forcefully (but carefully) to make sure the leads connect with the rails on the breadboard.
What does “LOW when pulled UP” mean?
This generally refers to pull-up or pull-down resistor circuits. In this case, this allows the signal to be rounded UP to the binary TRUE when the button is pushed, and the circuit is complete.
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Google Teachable Machine
A fast, easy way to create machine learning models for your sites, apps, and more – no expertise or coding required.
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) for K-12 initiative
The initiative is developing national guidelines for AI education for K-12, an online, curated resource Directory to facilitate AI instruction, and a community of practitioners, researchers, resource and tool developers focused on the AI for K-12 audience.
Vocabulary Words
Circuit A conductive path for flow of current or electricity
Power The current or flow of electric charge and voltage
Microcontroller An integrated circuit that contains a microprocessor along with memory and
associated circuits
Loops A sequence of instruction s that is continually repeated until a certain condition is reached
Variables A value that can change, depending on conditions or on information passed to the
Input Device A hardware device that sends data to a computer, allowing interaction and control
Output Device A piece of hardware which converts information into a human-perceptible form